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Sandra Turnbull

Sandra Turnbull is an international speaker at conferences, churches, Bible schools, and leadership seminars. She is the founding pastor of The Glory Center in Bellflower, California. Sandra holds a Biblical Studies degree from Evangel University and a Master of Arts from the Claremont School of Theology.

As a pastor, teacher and author, Sandra addresses in a cutting edge manner the integration of the Christian faith with a biblical approach to homosexuality. From an evangelical, Spirit-filled perspective, Scriptures used to condemn homosexuality are carefully examined in light of the Biblical context with historical accuracy. The red letter words of Jesus on the subject of eunuchs are also addressed from a historical perspective illuminating the issue of sexual orientation. 



The traditional stance by the Christian Church on homosexuality is challenged and a loving, Biblical approach is offered. This book will profit pastors, churches, families, parents, gays and lesbians, and all those interested in reconsidering homosexuality in the light of the Scriptures.


The daughter of Assembly of God missionaries, Sandra grew up on the front row pew and can’t remember a time when she was not involved in ministry.  Born in the Dominican Republic, Sandra lived most of her young life in Central and South America with her parents and siblings.

After receiving the call into ministry, Sandra attended Evangel University where she received a degree in Biblical Studies.  Later, while serving with Youth With A Mission in Amsterdam, Holland, Sandra fell in love with her life partner of 32 years, Janet Robertson.  This precipitated a new life direction.  She was then ordained into full time ministry and founded The Glory Center which is known for its contemporary worship, the manifest presence of God, the EMI Bible Institute, the All Nations Gathering Conference, and Pastor’s Conferences.  Rev. Sandra and Janet, founded Encounter Missions International, a missions training and sending ministry.

As the pastor of The Glory Center, Rev. Sandra Turnbull has established a bridge-building ministry to other pastors, leaders, ministries and organizations.  Her passion is to be on the forefront of the outpouring of God’s glory in this generation and to see the Church rise up to become the inclusive Church it is called to be.  Both Sandra and Janet enjoy living in Long Beach, California and traveling extensively throughout the nations.

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